Films For Action is a community-powered alternative news center and learning library for people who want to change the world At an International Level: Films For Action uses the power of film to raise awareness of important social, environmental, and media-related issues not covered by the mainstream news. Our goal is to provide citizens with the information and perspectives essential to creating a more just, sustainable, and democratic society.Our website has cataloged over 1500 of the best films and videos that can be watched free online. At the Local Level: On the ground, our City Chapters are working to create alternative media channels that will inform, connect, and inspire action at a community level. BACK TO EDEN FILM is invited to join the online catalog of free films! Visit: I have watched a lot of documentaries on real food, but none of them has moved me the way that Back to Eden has moved me! Why? I think it’s because of the spiritual component that was woven throughout the entire documentary. All along I have know that there is a spiritual side to this real food thing. I have just not been able to articulate it very well. This film does that! For those of you who are not very spiritual or ‘religious’ (although I really hate using that term since I don’t feel religious in the traditional sense of the word), I don’t think you should shun this movie. Even though the theme is very heavy on sustainable farming relating to God’s creation and how that relates to scripture, it has extremely practical sustainable farming and gardening techniques. |