How do you know when an heirloom tomato is ripe? First, you want a deep color and shiny skin. Second, it should be easy to remove from the vine. I always gently tug it from where there is a natural line showing a break in the vine. If it hangs on, it isnât ready. Lastly the smell and taste should be strong of tomato!
Are your tomatoes still green? If you are feeling impatient, do not remove leaves to expose the tomato to the sunlight because that is not how tomatoes ripen. Tomatoes ripen form the inside out. They ripen when lycopene, carotene, and pigments responsible for giving the fruit their typical orange to red appearance is released. This occurs when the temperature is approximately 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenfeit. When temperatures exceed 85 degrees to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, the ripening process slows significantly or even stops. The best thing you can do is be patient and wait for optimal temperatures for ripening! It is hard to be patient but it was worth the wait!
Do all tomatoes ripen at the same rate? No! Cherry tomatoes and early varieties ripen at a much quicker rate than larger varieties. So just keep checking on your tomato plants daily to see which tomatoes are ripe! Once your tomatoes are ripe consider purchasing a GLOBAL Chef Knife so that your sharp knife cuts through your tomatoes skin like butter! Enjoy! |