In efforts to continue spreading the message of Back to Eden Film, the full film is available to watch for free online, streaming 24/7, through various documentary venues. The full film will always be available for free on but we invite you to watch Back to Eden Film for free on the following websites: Green Unplugged Film Festival![]() Back to Eden Film was an official selection into the Green Unplugged Film Festival in Summer 2013. To date, the film has been viewed by 25,000 citizens around the world! That puts Back to Eden Film currently in 2nd place for the most viewed film in this festival! Watch & Share before the festival ends on Christmas, December 25, 2013. The top 3 most viewed films will receive cash prizes! Help Back to Eden's outreach projects by sharing this link: Top Documentary Films![]() At Top Documentary Films you can find 2100+ stunning, eyeopening and interesting documentaries. One of them is Back to Eden Film. What is neat about this site is you can rate Back to Eden Film on a scale of 1 to 10 stars! Documentary Storm![]() Thanks to the invite from Documentary Storm, Back to Eden Film is one of the free streaming documentaries on their website. We love the interactive aspect so viewers can rate our film as 1 to 5 stars! Maybe, with enough good ratings, we will be on the top 100 documentaries list! Thanks for your rating! Films For Action![]() Films For Action uses the power of film to raise awareness of important social, environmental, and media-related issues not covered by the mainstream news. Their goal is to provide citizens with the information and perspectives essential to creating a more just, sustainable, and democratic society. Their website has cataloged over 1500 of the best films and videos that can be watched free online. Thanks to the invite from Films For Action, we invite you to watch, share, and take action with Back to Eden, a new addition to their catalog! |